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Whitten Ministries

The purpose of our ministries is to give people the opportunity to obey God by serving others. Take a minute to explore our ministries and see how you can get involved!  

Women of Whitten

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry (WOW) is open to any woman 18 yrs. and over. The ministry does a variety of fun and exciting activities together throughout the year, including monthly dinners and the annual WOW Retreat.

Women's Ministry Director - Mrs. Vicki Davis
Assistants - Kandice Alger and Marissa Burkett


The Brother of Whitten
Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry (BOW) is open to any man 18 yrs. and over. The ministry serves to help with projects around the church, has fun activities such as BBQs in the church Backyard, as well as the Annual Men's Fishing and Camping trip in the Spring.

Men's Ministry Director - Bro. Jim Matousek



Our preschool ministries serve to watch children ages newborn to 4 years old during Bible studies, both on Sunday's and Wednesday's. 


Preschool Directors

Mrs. Carol Allred 

Mrs. Sandra Matousek

Hide and Seek

Youth Ministries


Our youth meet on the youth side of our Annex every Sunday morning at 9:30-10:30 am for Sunday School and every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30pm. Our Youth group is for those in grades 6-12. They are taught how to read and analyze the Word of God, to apply this knowledge to their lives, be a family, and work together to accomplish goals.


GA's- GA's is a Missions minded ministry dedicated to the spiritual and personal growth of young women.  This class is for girls in grades K-5th.


RA's- Royal Ambassadors (RAs) is a Bible-centered class where men teach young boys to be men.  This class is for boys in grades K-5th. 

Children's Church

Our Children's church class meets on Sunday mornings at 10:45am.  The children learn God's word with games, skits, and lessons brought to life by grade specific curriculum.  This is for kids in grades K-5. 

Sunday Evening Services

On Sunday's between 4p-7p, we have several classes for ages preschool thru Youth.  

Hide and Seek

Other Ministries


Our Sunday School classes meet  every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30am. We have a College class that is perfect for ages 18-26 and several adult classes. 


Where Addicts Recover or W.A.R. is an addiction recovery ministry that meets on Thursday's.  Doors open at 6:00pm and meeting starts at 6:30pm in our Annex.  


If you are looking for a change of heart, to change your life, and find a solid foundation to build your recovery on, then you're in the right place. 


For more info contact the Church office at 901-386-5444.


We are here to inspire, lead and minister with, but not limited to, the biker community with the infallible word of God.  We are here to ride for Jesus and spread the good word to those that need to hear it! 


For more info contact the Church office at 901-386-5444.

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